Hannah Perner-Wilson and Mika Satomi forming KOBAKANT joined us for a nine day collaborative residency, and during their stay gave a public lecture as insight into their practice.
Tuesday, 18. November 2014
18:30 – 19:30
Vordere Zollamtsstrasse 3, Mezzanin 20, Stitching Worlds Studio
Mika Satomi
Only satisfied when things are working, Mika Satomi is always looking for new ways to use any kind of material, or bending existing techniques to her needs. Since 2006, she works together with Hannah Perner-Wilson under the collective name KOBAKANT exploring the field of eTextiles She holds a BA in Graphic Design from Tokyo Zokei University, and an MA in Media Creation from IAMAS, Japan. She has been a researcher at The Smart Textile Design Lab at Textilehögskolan in Borås, Sweden from 2010-2012. Currently she is a guest professor at eLab, Weissensee Academy of Art Berlin.
Hannah Perner-Wilson
Hannah Perner-Wilson combines conductive materials and craft techniques, developing new styles of building electronics that emphasize materiality and process. She received a BA in Industrial Design from the University for Art and Industrial Design Linz and an MA in Media Arts and Sciences from the MIT Media Lab, where she was a student in the High-Low Tech research group.