Knitting Capacitors on Industrial Knitting Machines

Preparation to knit capacitors on industrial knitting machines: custom twisted yarn to knit capacitors on an industrial knitting machine3ply, 2 strands copper wiretwisting machine 3ply, 2 strands copper wire 3ply, 2 strands copper wire

  • 2 strands of 0,15 copper wire, 1 strand acrylic yarn
  • 30 turns/meter
  • Z twisted
  • 66 m/min


Knitted black and white test sample, 30 cm x 30 cm including the hems at the beginning and end. Kitting time for the sample: 3.51 min on a 7 gauge Stoll knitting machine using 108 m of the spun Cu-thread, 122 m if the ground thread

Knitted Sample

Measuring the capacitance of the knitted sampleMeasuring Knitted Sample

Detail of the knitted sampleKnitted SampleKnitted Sample


June, 26 2015

We replicated the experiment to knit 3 more swatches with a the same pattern and the same size: 60 columns, 60 rows

Knitted Capacitors

Measurements show that there is very little variance in those three samples. It seems safe to assume that the industrial knitting machine is able to produce textile capacitors in a controlled, replicable way. The only risk seems to be a breakage in the material.

The following graphic shows an overlay of the measurements of the three capacitors used in a high pass with an 1kOhm resistor and the resulting properties:

measurements of the three capacitors knitted by an industrial machine at at HTL Spengergasse


Realised in cooperation with the Höhere Technische Bundeslehr – und Versuchsanstalt für Textilindustrie.


External experts:
Ing. Wolfgang KIRRER, BEd (Werkstätte Strickerei)
Prof. Ing. Christian WERNER (Leitung Werkstätten Mechanik, Medien)

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