
Expert Exchange: Mark Miodownik

Mark Miodownik is a materials engineer and Professor of Materials and Society at UCL. He is the author of the award winning best selling book Stuff Matters, a guide to the material world, and the science, history, engineering, and culture that underpins it. He is also the regular presenter of the science and engineering BBC TV programmes. Miodownik was recently included in the The Times list of the top 100 most influential people in UK science. In 2013 he won the Royal Academy of Engineering Rooke Medal.
 In 2014 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and he won the Royal Society Winton Prize.



The ‘Industrialisation Focus Group’ at the eTextile Summer Camp 2015, consisting of Becky Stewart, Mili John Tharakan, Tincuta Heinzel and Ebru Kurbak, looked at ways to approach electronic textiles as mass-produceable products. Throughout the week-long gathering, the group discussed and identified challenges in bringing e-textile objects beyond […]


Tools for Practitioners (eTextile Summercamp Survey)

eTextile Summercamp 2015 workspace, tools and materials Overview of early results from a survey handed out to the eTextile Summercamp participants about their identification as practitioners, and the use of tools. Describing and/or sketching how an imagined tool that could […]